Best Campervan Rental in New Zealand: Ultimate Guide

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There are so many campervan rentals in New Zealand, choosing one can feel overwhelming. We’re breaking down all the important things you need to look for to find the best campervan hire for your New Zealand road trip. We’re even sharing exactly which companies we recommend.

Campervan Rental New Zealand Looking Out the Campervan

Without a doubt, renting a campervan in New Zealand is the best way to travel around this country (or “hire a campervan” as the Kiwis would say).

Ever since we built our own campervan in the U.S., we’ve been itching to get back behind the wheel. So we set our sights on NZ, and it did not disappoint.

There are few countries in the world as well set up to accommodate campervans than New Zealand.

With holiday parks and campgrounds everywhere (as well as countless places to freedom camp!) you’ll have no problem finding a place to sleep. And with landscapes that look like they’re straight out of a movie — oh wait, they are! (Lord of the Rings,duh!) — endless adventures await you.

If you’ve been wanting to test out #vanlife, New Zealand is a perfect place to try it out. I even convinced my (60-something) parents to give it a go and they absolutely loved it.

新Zealand campervan rental guide

Want to save time and energy on planning?

We spent 5 weeks traveling around New Zealand in a campervan, and we’ve been lucky enough to explore a lot of what this country has to offer!

We took our 5-week travels and condensed it down to 30 days (because so many people wanted a 1-month route) that hits the top destinations on both the North and South Islands.

We’ll send you our complete 1 month itinerary, filled with tips and advice. Just click below to get your30-day New Zealand road trip itinerarytoday!

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Know exactly what you’re looking for already?

“Katie and Ben, I already know what I’m looking for and just want to see the best campervan rental companies…”Great! Jump down to thatsection here.

OR get a quote right now!

Enter your travel dates and pick up/drop off locations and get a selection of vans to choose from:

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But hold up!Choosing the best campervan can be tricky. And truthfully the best campervan company for us may not be the best foryou.

Things to consider before renting a campervan in New Zealand

Every traveler has their own expectations, level of comfort and budget they’re able to spend. So let’s start by going over the factors you should consider before you start looking at companies.



Best Campervan Rental New Zealand

We’re going to come right out and say it: Renting a campervan in New Zealand ain’t cheap. Even if you go with the absolute cheapest company out there, you’ll still be paying a considerable chunk of money.

However, traveling in a campervan is a great way to save money during your trip because you can cook your own meals (much cheaper than eating out!) and you can even find campsites for free (cheaper than staying in hotels!).

Related:Money-saving tips for traveling in New Zealand on a budget

So just how much do campervans cost in New Zealand?

Well, it depends on a few things.

First of all, the time of year can affect the price significantly.If you are traveling in the peak summer season (aka December – March), expect to pay peak rates.And on the opposite hand, if you travel during off-peak season, you might be able to score a nice rate. Shoulder seasons (before and after peak season) will grant you a rate that is neither crazy expensive nor super cheap.

Here is an idea to get you started:

  • Peak Season (Dec to Feb):$120 – $420 NZD per day ($82 – $288 USD)
  • Low Season (June to Aug):$30 – $120 NZD per day ($20 – $82 USD)
  • Shoulder Seasons (any other time of year):Expect to pay somewhere in the middle

Additional Costs:One important thing to remember is you’ll also likely be paying for campsites. Yes, there are free sites out there, but they do not have any facilities *erm showers!*. So unless you plan on goingau naturelduring your entire trip (more power to you!), your daily rate will go up a bit when you factor in campsite costs (more on that later!).

How much do you expect to spend per day?Now multiply that by how many days you plan to travel in New Zealand.

2. What are your expectations when it comes to comfort?

Campervan Rental New Zealand Many Different Types of Campervans

Another very important thing to consider is what level of comfort you are expecting.

“I can make do with just about any campervan.”

If you are an avid camper and are used to tents and all the discomforts that come with sleeping on the ground, any campervan you choose will feel damn near luxurious. And if you’re used to sleeping in hostels, you’ll love the privacy that comes with your own space. Even if you choose the smallest, cheapest, oldest campervan, you will still have a good time.

“I will be more comfortable with a nicer campervan.”

However, if you are used to roomy hotel rooms and are a bit nervous about this whole “campervan thing”, you might want to choose one of the more plush options to make this new experience a bit more comfortable.

You know yourself and you’re the only one that can really decide what comfort level you are going to be comfortable with.

Here are some helpful things to consider:

Do you want to be able to stand up in your campervan?

Best Campervan Rental New Zealand

的许多预算郎普不设计be able to stand up inside. So think about what this means and whether or not it is a deal-breaker for you.

Both thecampervan we built ourselvesand the one we rented in New Zealand were not possible to stand up inside. We did just fine in both cases, but both agree it would be much more comfortable to be able to stand.

Good to know:Campervans that don’t allow you to fully stand up, typically have the kitchen in the rear so you can cook outside without hunching over. But other tasks, like making the bed and getting dressed, can be a bit tricky when you can’t stand upright. A plus to this type of vehicle is they are more streamlined, use less gas, and are easier to drive if you’re not used to big vehicles.

Do you mind converting your bed every night and morning?

In most smaller campervans, the bed converts into a couch during the day. It can be tedious every night transforming your sitting space into your bed, especially at night in the dark with bugs trying to attack you. We speak from experience!

Some of the large campervans have a designed bed that you won’t have to convert twice a day. But this likely, nay,definitely,means a higher price tag.

Psst!Wondering where you’ll be sleeping? We’ve got you covered with a round up of thebest campsites in New Zealandfrom our own experience, plus advice from fellow travel bloggers.

3. How many people will you be traveling with?

Best Campervan New Zealand

The number of people you’ll be sharing the vehicle with can make a big difference in determining the vehicle you choose.

  • If you’re traveling solo,there is really only one company (Mad Campers) withsingle-berth vehiclesdesigned for only one person.Bonus:Jump down to theMad Camper section, enter your email and we’ll give you5% off. (You could also rent a 2-berth vehicle and enjoy a little extra space all by yourself.)
  • If there will be two passengers,you will have the biggest selection of vehicles to choose from, as this is the most common layout.
  • 3-berthsare a bit more uncommon, and are typically laid out as a double bed below with a small “loft-style” bed above.
  • If you have 4 passengers or more,you might have to consider whether you want everyone in one vehicle or should you split up 2 in one and 2 in the other. Of course you will want everyone to have their own seat, but then that means you’ll need a bigger vehicle.

If you are campervanning with kids, you’ll want to make sure they have their own seat and bed, so a 4-berth might be the way to go.

Another important thing to consider is this:How close are you to the person/people you are traveling with?

If it is a new friend or acquaintance, you may want a bit more room, as living in a campervan is…umm, how shall we put this… very close quarters. If it is a close friend or partner, you may do just fine with less space.

Psst! Make sure youask these questionsto your campervan travel partner before you book your van rental.

4. What size vehicle are you comfortable driving?

Campervan Rental New Zealand Vehicle Size Comparison

If you have a big budget to work with and you are hoping for a pretty high level of comfort, you might be drawn to the bigger motorhomes. They do look pretty damn luxurious! But before pulling the trigger, consider what it will be like to drive a large vehicle like that.

The roads in New Zealand (particularly on the South Island) can be quite narrow and winding. For the most part we felt pretty comfortable driving our van, but there were a handful of times we were incredibly happy we weren’t driving one of those gigantic motorhomes.

If you’re used to driving on the left-hand side of the road or have experience with large vehicles, you might be just fine operating one of the bigger models.

But if you’re a more cautious driver and driving on the opposite side of the road makes you nervous, then maybe a smaller vehicle will make an easier transition.

On that note,make sure you have good travel insurance for rental carsjust in case you do get your lefts and rights mixed up and have an accident.

We never go withouttravel insuranceand we have a whole article on what insurance we use and recommend. Campervan insurance is usually not covered on a standard travel insurance policy, or credit card insurance, so we recommend to do a bit of digging to determine whether you need extra coverage.

Budget Note:Remember that larger vehicles are going to require a significantly higher gas budget.

5. How far in advance do I need to make reservations?

Best Campervan Rental New Zealand

If you are planning to travel during New Zealand’s high tourist season (December – March), make your reservation as far in advance as possible.

Personal Note:我的父母从今年2月中旬在计划一次旅行through mid-March and by the time they started looking in early January, many of the good companies had already been fully booked, or the prices were insane! They were still able to find something, but just barely.So if that gives you any indication, you’ll want to start looking at least 2 months in advance (if not more).

If you are traveling in shoulder or low season, you’ll have a better chance of finding something more last minute. But you might not have much of a choice when it comes to your options.

所以如果你标准ticular about what you’re looking for and have a tight budget,we’d still recommend reserving your vehicle as far ahead as you’re able.

6. What will my campervan come with?

Campervan Rental New Zealand Van Fridge and Sink

This depends greatly on which company you rent from. However, nearly all campervans should come with the following:

  • Bed & Bedding
  • Sink with running water (and a tank you can fill with fresh water)
  • Stove & Propane
  • Cookware and utensils
  • Cooler and/or refrigerator (Fun fact: Kiwis call coolers “chilly bins”!)
Best Campervan Rental New Zealand

Depending on the campervan rental company, these amenities can be very basic or quite luxurious. Also, most companies have the option to add extras, which are typically charged separately. This can include:

  • Camp chairs or table
  • Rain tarp (pictured above)
  • Solar Shower
  • GPS system
  • Roof Rack (depending on the company, this might come free with your rental)

Our experience:During our trip, we got several add-ons and felt like some of them were very necessary, while others just added clutter.

  • Rain tarp:Once we figured out how to use it (it’s super simple, but looks intimidating!), the rain tarp was night for being able to cook when it was windy or rainy and we weren’t staying at a holiday park. (It’s bulky, so you’ll need to store it in the roof rack container.)
  • Solar shower:We had the solar shower add-on, but never even brought it out of the box. We’d say this is totally unnecessary.
  • Table and camp chairs:The chairs were great to have, as we liked sitting outside at the campsites when the weather was nice. However, you can also buy these for cheap at The Warehouse (similar to Walmart). So if your rental company doesn’t include them, that is one option. The table was nice for chopping veggies, however it took up a lot of space in the van.

What about the rest?

We’ve put together theultimate campervan packing guide for New Zealandto make sure you bring everything you need to get the most out of your trip. Just enter your email below and it’ll appear in your inbox immediately!


7. Do I need a self-contained campervan?

Campervan Rental New Zealand Self-Contained Campervan NZ

First, let’s go over what makes a vehicle “self-contained”.

While traveling around New Zealand, you’ll see vehicles with a “self-contained” sticker on their rear window (NZS 5465).

This means that the vehicle has equipment onboard to remove any waste created by freedom camping. Simply put,the campervan has some sort of toilet and a grey water tank(持有container for dirty water that goes down the sink).

There are certain campsites that only allow “self-contained” vehicles.And the only way you can legally do “freedom camping” is with a self-contained campervan.

Now, is it really necessary?

Like most other answers, it depends on you.

Freedom camping is, like the name implies, FREE! So if you’re on a tight budget and would like to try freedom camping at least a few times on your trip, then YES, you definitely need a self-contained vehicle.

If, however, you don’t think you’ll want to poo in your vehicle, then it might not be necessary. There are plenty of free (and cheap) sites that are perfectly fine for vehicles that are not self-contained.

Our pick:For us, it was important to have a self-contained vehicle not only to keep our camping options open, but to also dispose of any grey water at proper dumpsites and not harming the environment. We had a portable toilet, but to be honest we never used it. There are literally toilets everywhere in NZ.

8. What about campervan insurance?

Planning a Campervan Trip in New Zealand | Two Wandering Soles

While most travel insurance policies will cover you for renting a car, however campervans are not included in that coverage. Credit card insurances typically do not cover you while driving a campervan either.

Just like rental cars companies, all campervan companies should offer some form of insurance on your vehicle. We would recommend taking the insurance because accidents do happen and you wouldn’t want that extra collision expense to ruin your holiday.

In addition, it is always a good idea to have travel insurance, for instances of theft, baggage loss, delayed flights, or medical emergencies. We never travel without and we share our favorites providers we use in our article all abouttravel insurance.

Psst!Once you’ve chosen your rental, we’ve gotchu covered with everything you need to know aboutplanning a campervan trip in New Zealand!


Best Campervan Rental New Zealand

Now that you know exactly what you are looking for in a campervan, here are the best rental companies and compare their offerings.


These will be your best affordable options with basic yet functional designs.


These companies offer a bit more room and features than the super budget options, yet they are still affordable.


If you are looking for more creature comforts during your NZ road trip, these companies will be the best bet. Their vehicles are damn near luxurious, but they come with a price tag that more closely resembles a hotel than a bed on wheels.

Budget Campervans

If you’re traveling New Zealand on a tight budget, you’ll be happy to know you have some great options!

Personal note:Beware thatnot all budget campervans are created equal. We traveled with a friend who rented the cheapest campervan she could find. You get what you pay for, and she had many problems with it along the way: No orientation of the vehicle when she first arrived, missing items that were supposed to be included (like sheets, cooking utensils, etc.), and pieces of the van repeatedly fell off.

We can’t recommend all budget options, but Mad Campers and Escape Campervans are two companies we can!

Mad Campers

After lots (and LOTS!) of research,this is the company we personally chose.We liked their fun business model, their function-forward design, and the affordable price tag. We also noticed that they had excellent reviews from past customers, so this was the final push to book with them.

Disclosure:Mad Campers gave us a partial sponsor on our campervan rental, but all our opinions and feedback are 100% honest.

Campervan Rental New Zealand Mad Campers

Who is this rental for:Easy going, budget-minded travelers with a sense of adventure to get off the typical tourist trail.

Recently, Mad Campers gave their whole fleet an upgrade with built-in cookers, better storage, better fridges, new curtains and complimentary roof storage!

Type of vehicles:1-Berth (Mad 1) and 2-Berth (Mad 2) campervans


  • 2-berth van that drives very well
  • Self-contained
  • Decent gas mileage
  • Comfy bed
  • Very functional and details have been really thought through. It had everything we needed for our month-long trip.
  • Outdoor kitchen with built-in cookers
  • Small Kiwi-owned company
  • We have a5% offfor you (below)!


  • Limited storage space makes the (free) roof rack an essential place to store extra bulk. But it can be a bit frustrating to keep accessing things inside the roof rack.
  • Can’t stand up inside.
  • One-Way transfer fee of $150 NZD.

Cost per day:Varies depending on campervan style:

  • 2-Berth: Peak Season $160 NZD per day, Low Season $50 NZD per day.
  • 1-Berth: Peak Season $100 NZD per day.

Bonus offer for YOU!

Wanna see what’s inside our campervan?

Check out our quick Mad Campers video tour:

YouTube video

Double bonus!

If you rent with Mad Campers, be sure to take part in their“Mad Challenge”.

This is basically a scavenger hunt where you’ll need to take pictures doing some fun Kiwi activities –like swimming at a waterfall and eating fish ‘n chips on the beach – while wearing your free Mad Campers t-shirt that you’ll receive upon arrival.

When you complete the challenge by posting these shots on your Instagram with the hashtags #MadCampersNZ #MadChallengenz ,you’ll get a 5% refund on your rental cost!(That can add up to be a good chunk of change!)

# MadChallengeNZ查看本的尝试
# MadChallengeNZ查看本的尝试

Don’t forget to use thepromo code: TWOWANDERINGSOLESfor 5% off your campercan rental with Mad Campers!

Escape Campervans

Campervan Rental in New Zealand Escape Campervan

Who is this rental for:Backpackers and international travelers looking to travel as cheaply as possible, and don’t mind cuddling 3 wide. Best for really close friends.

Type of vehicles:2-Berth and 3-Berth. The 2-Berth is spacious for 2, but the 3-Berth is the same style campervan but you simply add a third person in the middle front seat and in the bed.


  • Unique and fun design painted on each campervan.
  • Reliable international company.
  • One of the cheapest options available.
  • Self-contained options available.


  • 不能stand up in the van.
  • Limited storage space.
  • If you are planning on traveling with three friends this options would be uncomfortable.
  • Depending on your personality, the loud design on the exterior of the vehicle may be a drawback

Cost per day:

  • 2-Berth & 3-Berth: Peak Season $121 NZD per day, Low Season $29 NZD per day.

Mid-Range Campervans

If your budget is a bit more flexible, you’ll have more campervan options to choose from.


Campervan Rental New Zealand Jucy Campervan

Who is this rental for:Travelers wanting the convenience of renting from a powerhouse in the international campervan game, Jucy has campervan rentals down to a science. They have several different models, making this company a great option for most types of travelers.

Type of vehicles:2铺郎普(JUCY小屋面包车& JUCY - Coaster Campervan), 3-Berth (JUCY Chaser), 4-Berth (JUCY Compass & JUCY Condo)


  • Well-known company
  • Many different styles and layouts to choose from. Some are pretty spacious!
  • Self-contained
  • Some styles have an indoor kitchen
  • Able to stand up in the 4-berth vans


The larger models can be a bit difficult to drive if you’re not used to it (especially on mountain roads and in high winds).

Larger models also have lower gas mileage.

Cost per day:Varies depending on campervan style:

  • 2-Berth: Peak Season $175 NZD per day, Low Season $25 NZD per day.
  • 4-Berth: Peak Season $250 NZD per day, Low Season $48 NZD per day.

Travellers Autobarn

Campervan Rental New Zealand Travellers Autobarn Campervan

Who is this rental for:Travelers with a little higher budget, but don’t want to drive around the big rigs. These campervans are also one of the better options for 3 people traveling together, as there is a loft bed and extra seats in some models.

Type of vehicles:2-Berth Station Wagon, 3-Berth Hitop & Kuga Campervans, 4-Berth Hi5 Campervan.


  • Smaller vehicle with lots of space and you can stand up in the back.
  • The kitchens are inside and include fridge (sometimes a freezer), microwave, and a 2-burner stove.
  • Can stand up inside the van.


  • Only portable toilet (no indoor toilet)
  • Getting to be on the more expensive side

Cost per day:Varies depending on campervan style:

  • 2-Berth Station Wagon: Peak Season $89 NZD per day, Low Season $21 NZD per day.
  • 3-Berth: Peak Season $236 NZD per day, Low Season $41 NZD per day.
  • 4-Berth: Peak Season $274 NZD per day, Low Season $55 NZD per day.

High-End Campervans

And if you’ve got money to spare, you can travel New Zealand in luxurious style! The companies listed below created true homes on wheels, and you might even forget you’re “camping”!


Campervan Rental New Zealand Britz Campervan

Who is this rental for:30+ travelers looking for a no-nonsense campervan because you might be exploring with loved ones and kids. You want the comforts of home in your camper but still seeking new adventures.

Type of vehicles:2-Berth, 3-Berth, 4-Berth and 6-Berth campervans and motorhomes. Wide variety of amenities and add-ons in each type of vehicle.


  • Quality campervans and motorhomes that can fit the whole family.
  • 新er vehicles, 2016 and 2017 models.
  • Indoor kitchens and bathroom (toilet/shower) in campervan.
  • Lots of storage.
  • One of the best campervans/motorhomes in New Zealand.


  • Large vehicles and can be difficult to drive.
  • Low gas mileage (but it is diesel, so a bit cheaper)
  • High cost per day.

Cost per day:Varies depending on campervan style:

  • 2-Berth Action Pod: Peak Season $158 NZD per day. Low Season $95 NZD per day.
  • 2-Berth Venturer: Peak Season $420 NZD per day, Low Season $70 NZD per day.
  • 4-Berth Discovery: Peak Season $410 NZD per day, Low Season $80 NZD per day.

Maui Campervan

Best Campervan Rental New Zealand

Who is this rental for:40+ couples or families looking to travel New Zealand at their own pace, valuing local experiences and seeking spontaneous adventure.

Type of vehicles:2-Berth, 2+1 -Berth, 4-Berth, and 6-Berth campervans and motorhomes.


  • Maui has all the comforts of home, but on wheels.
  • All vehicles are less than 2.5 years old with most less than a year old, so no worries about car issues.
  • All have bathrooms (toilet and shower) and kitchens (multiple burners & microwaves) inside the motorhome.
  • Loads of storage space and hot water from taps. Talk about luxury!


  • Large vehicles and can be difficult to drive.
  • Low gas mileage (but it is diesel, so a bit cheaper).
  • High cost per day.

Cost per day:Varies depending on campervan style:

  • 2-Berth Ultima: Peak Season $420 NZD per day. Low Season $110 NZD per day.
  • 4-Berth Cascade Motorhome: Peak Season $450 NZD per day, Low Season $110 per day.
  • 6-Berth River Motorhome: Peak Season $450 NZD per day, Low Season $125 NZD per day.

Still not sure on which New Zealand campervan company to choose?

Are you having trouble deciding on a campervan rental for New Zealand? Check outMotorhome Republicto compare different campervan companies in order to find the right vehicle for you and your dates.

Don’t miss out on this epic New Zealand road trip itinerary!

If youlikedoing travel research, all the power to you! Feel free to use our itinerary outlines as a starting point as well as our city guides for ideas of things to do (we’ve got a bunch of them!).

But if you want tosave some hours of your life, we’ve already put in more than enough for you and us combined.Trust us.

And we’re happy to share everything we learned— from digging through reviews, Youtube and all sorts of Internet rabbit holes, as well as actually travelingin新西兰郎普5周!

We’ve curated what we think is theperfect New Zealand road trip, and we want you to be able to copy our route!

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Are you planning a trip to New Zealand?

We have TONS of resources on travel in New Zealand and destinations throughout the country. Check out ourUltimate New Zealand Travel Guidefor all the answers to your most burning questions, or read some of our favorite articles below.

Save this article on Pinterest for later!

Everything You Need to Know About Campervan Rental in New Zealand
How to Choose the Best Campervan Rental in New Zealand

We want to hear from you!

Which campervan sounds best to you? Still have questions or trouble deciding? Leave a comment below and we’ll try our best to answer! It’s likely others will have similar questions to yours.

Comments (34) on “Best Campervan Rental in New Zealand: Ultimate Guide

  1. Anders Paerregaard says:

    Your travel blog gives great info regarding camper vacation in NZ !
    I signed up (several times) for the “25% off deal” with Mad Campers. However, I never received an email reply from you,

    • Ben Zweber says:

      Hi Anders,

      Thanks for leaving a comment. We were doing some maintenance to our email list and sequences (which we just completed!), so sorry about the delay in getting you the 5% off code. Let us know if you have any other questions, we are happy to help!

  2. Stella says:

    This guide is a fantastic resource for anyone planning a campervan adventure in New Zealand! Katie Diederichs provides valuable insights and recommendations for finding the best campervan rental, making the whole process much less overwhelming. It’s clear that she and her team have a passion for exploring New Zealand by campervan, and their enthusiasm shines through in their informative content. If you’re considering a New Zealand road trip, this guide is a must-read.

  3. Russ Josephson says:

    Love the site. Lots of good information, especially for first -timers.
    Probably missed this information, but I’m wondering if some, most, or all of the vans in New Zealand come with an electrical supply compatible with devices that normally are plugged into a wall outlet.
    Second question : Will the companies rent to a 76-year-old?
    Thank you.

  4. yes no wheel says:

    I’ve just returned from a trip around New Zealand in a campervan and I can say without a doubt that it was the best decision I ever made! The scenery was absolutely stunning and the campervan was perfect for the trip –

  5. David says:

    Additional feedback on Tui: I rented a 6 berth (Ford Transit, around 2011 model) from them this 2022-23 summer, and was very disappointed. The vehicle was Really tired, with worn and smelly upholstery, with many pieces of trim that had fallen off, been badly glued back in place, only to fall off again during our trip (eg most fly screens). The camper really should have been scrapped by now, rather than rented at prices befitting a much newer vehicle. Tui waived road user charges to compensate for our inconvenience, but that was a tiny giveback compared with what we paid. They were totally unwilling to do return any more, and refused to provide a shuttle transfer because we were 20 minutes after the normal service close time despite having arrived around 30 minutes before close time. All in all, I recommend people look elsewhere for a better provider.

  6. Jeffrey Bale says:

    I rented a Toyota Voxy from Tui Campers. It started out with a red flag, as I picked up the van, had a good experience with the women who worked there, less with the men. Didn’t get far when the key fob battery died. I paid for an outdoor chair but didn’t get one. On the 5th day I had an unfortunate accident on the Coromandel Peninsula on a narrow winding road. I paid for full comprehensive insurance. Tui offered no assistance. I got a ride back to the Holiday park from the husband of the woman involved in the accident. Tui said there were no replacement vehicles available, and charged me to my credit card $4,703.82 for towing on top of an $1,800 credit I had, all of this when I was in shock with minor injuries. I had to hitchhike in the rain back to Thames to get a bus to Auckland. I requested a written receipt with an explanation of the towing charge after talking to the towing company, who said they were paid about $200 by the insurance company, and were appalled and said I was clearly ripped off. The husband of the woman in the accident has been in regular touch and has said Tui has been very unhelpful and rude. They have refused to send me a copy of the Insurance policy and now turn on the voicemail when I call to talk to them. I’ve been very polite and friendly to them to keep things nice but the management there is clearly running a scam, thinking they can get away with it with tourists. If you can rent with another company I would highly recommend it. Everyone I have met outside of the company has been lovely and supportive, and I am now pursuing legal advice through the Citizens Advice Bureau.

  7. Diana says:

    Two old folks who are planning a 7-10 day trip for mid-October 2023 (we’ll both be in our early 70s); we have a 40’ RV with tow car here, so comfortable with a bigger van, even driving on the “wrong” side of the road. Need to be able to stand and have our own bathroom, plus fridge (diabetic). Want a one way rental, pick up in Auckland, drop off in Christchurch (where my cousin lives). Recommendations?

    • Jane says:

      How are you getting on with your planning, Diana? My bh and I are looking at an almost identical trip from the UK next year! We don’t want to have to make the bed up every day but would rather have a smaller panel Van than a coach built. Interested to know what you’ve decided!

  8. says:

    Your article is quite helpful! I have so many questions, and you have answered many. Thank you! Such a nice and superb article, we have been looking for this information about best campervan rental in new zealand.Great post.

  9. says:

    Love you blog and tips! We have been in NZ for 3 months now (stranded during covid 19). We are taking advantage of Britz’s $29/day campervan deal as we are now coming out of lockdown. (Don’t know if you are in NZ currently). We are over 30, well way over, over 50 even, and not the camper type. But we are going to give it a go; as you mentioned NZ is the place for this. And at $29/day, I can get an air B&B everynight I need some luxury. Thank you for the tips, you can follow our journey on

  10. says:

    Hi. Its a bit of a long shot but does anyone know if it would be too cold or uncomfortable and wet to travel in a campervan (with heating) to South Island now? Considering our L2 options limiting to North Island or to travel further to South Island. Any advice would be appreciated. We are a family of 4 with 2 small kids (5 and 7 years old).

    • says:

      Hi Mai Ling, Great question! We traveled during New Zealand’s springtime, so we wanted to ask some friends of ours who traveled during the winter and get their advice for you.

      Here’s what they said:

      "For us the winter was awesome!!!! I’m not sure if we just had a really lucky winter or what but it was really mild and amazing. So we went most of July and were only in the South Island. The Madcamper people gave us extra blankets and also those heat packs but we never even used them. It never got unbearably cold. It rained maybe three days of our whole trip! And that was near Milford Sound. Our boat trip in Milford was freezing and raining but I mean, what can you do! For that, we stayed at a camping place with a pretty nice lobby and kitchen so we didn’t feel like stuck in the van while it was raining.

      It didn’t snow at all. And also I’d even recommend winter because there was nobody around — no crowds and the roads were easy. And I remember reading in your blog sometimes like “oh this is a popular campsite” and in winter you never have to worry about that. It was one of my favorite trips ever."

      So according to our friends, NZ winter can be a great time to travel (even in a campervan). They’re happy to answer more questions if you have them.

      I would say if you’re up for it after reading their advice, go for it! But if you’re still hesitant, listen to your gut. Everyone has different levels of comfort and personal preference (especially if you have kids along). But I hope this has given you a bit of comfort and helps with making your decision.

      Best of luck and we wish you a wonderful trip in New Zealand!

  11. says:

    Your post on best campervan rental in New Zealand is so amazing. When I read your post, then I could not stop to commenting myself. It’s really impressive content, its really helpful and full of knowledge. I have also found this resource useful and its related to what you are mentioning.

  12. says:

    thankyou for a wonderful site, wife and I have been twice before 4 and 6 weeks, for 2 weeks we had a 4 berth camper van on south island. planning our final visit to NZ early next 6 weeks in total.
    Taking another couple with us on their first visit, 3 weeks in both island, south camper van, if you want the space advised last time to go up one size, last time 2 of use took a 4 berth, this time 6 berth.
    Yes they are large vehicle but the speed and volume of traffic compared to UK is so much yes, if I say my wife will only drive my C3 Picasso in the uk but she drove the campervan last time.
    As advised book as soon as you can.

  13. Avital says:

    thank you for your wonderful post. I would like to ask. a 30+ couple with a 4 month old baby and not so tight with budget. which option would be best? ( the date is 2 weeks from now)

    • says:

      Hi there Avital, for a couple with a baby, you might want to look at the mid-range campervans. Reason being that you will want to have your own sleeping space plus an area for your baby. You’ll also want to have a van that can be suited with a car seat for safety. I hope this helps.

  14. says:

    HI! Love your posts!
    If I only have 4 days to travel before meeting up with a group for a workshop, is it still worth it to get a camper van?
    I like to be outdoors, and have allergies, so Air Bnb is dicy.
    I also want to have my own vehicle….
    Is there tent camping in NZ?

    • says:

      Hey there, you’d be surprised with how much you could see in just 4 days in New Zealand! I would recommend getting a campervan because it gives you the freedom to get outside of the city, but tent camping is possible as well. Also I’d like to mention that Airbnb’s are a great option when traveling in New Zealand. They are very safe and inexpensive.

  15. says:

    Perfect guide to planning a trip to NZ. With so much breathtaking natural beauty, New Zealand is one of the most incredible places in the world and has an interesting culture.
    I am also looking to visit this place from the last year.
    Great and keep sharing!!

  16. Jeff says:

    Another thing i forgot to ask in the previous comment, how we refill the clean water and dry out the waste water if we are using self contained vehicle? Do we have to pay for refilling the clean water and drying out the waste water?
    And we I choose the smaller van , is it difficult to find public toilet and bathroom ? How much the cost for using public toilet and bathroom?

    Thank you,


    • says:

      The great thing about New Zealand is that the whole country is made for traveling by campervan! There are rest stops very frequently with free bathrooms (or drop toilets, like the ones you’d find in national parks, if your a bit further out from civilization). All Holiday Parks will have a waste water drop area and a separate fresh water fill station. Most of the time those are free if you are staying the night at the holiday park.

  17. says:

    Hi Kat n Ben. So grateful that I found your blog which I think it is very helpful and informative. I plan to travel with campervan in Nz. But still hesitate because I have never travelled in car/van. I usually opt hotel while travelling.

    我考虑的是我喜欢一个漂亮的, clean, and fully equipped campervan with complete amenities, but i am not sure about driving big car such as motorhome since I predict it will be so much difficulty in handling while driving a sich big vehicle. And another thing is I wonder if such big vehicle is allowed to enter the city.

    What do u recommend me if I want to travel with convenient van but still easy to drive and park?

    Thank you


    • says:

      Hi Jeff, Great question. If you want a campervan with more comfort but not too big so you can handle it better and also drive it in a city comfortably, I’d recommend a larger Jucy van or a Britz (the sprinter style van, photo above). Both of those will have a kitchen and a lounging area with lots of space, and they will be pretty easy to drive. Does that help?

  18. says:

    This is my first time to New Zealand (North Island) and my first try on campervan in my life, a little nervous because usually our accommodation are Hostel / Hotel. I’m keen to look for campervan with shower and toilet as my husband unwilling to use the Public Bathroom. But does this really necessary? Is the Public Bathroom clean enough?

    Britz have a new 100% electrical campervan (Evolve) which i’m quite interesting, but 100% battery fully charged can only drive for 120 km, (from point A to point B easily over 120 km). Could you do a review for that?

    • says:

      Hi Bennie, Even though there are free and very clean public toilets frequently throughout the country, I can understand wanting to have your own private bathroom. If you want a campervan with a shower, it will have to be a decent sized campervan. Plus you have to think about being able to fill up your fresh water more frequently.
      As for the Britz Evolve electrical campervan, I can’t speak much about it, because we have never driven one (but Britz, if you’re reading this, we’d love to try one out!! But we love the idea of a 100% electric car, however…
      I would say, you’d have to map out your route very carefully with strategic charge points so you don’t run out of juice. That would be very difficult in the south island, I would imagine.

    • says:

      Hey Heather, we had our campervan in New Zealand from the last week in November 2018 to mid-December 2018. Are you planning on traveling to New Zealand soon?

    • says:

      That sounds like a great trip Holly! You’ll love hiring a campervan in New Zealand, it’s honestly the best way to travel there. Let us know if you have any questions!

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